A couple years ago Jeff and I made a faith promise to a building campaign for our church. The key here is that it is a promise on faith that God will provide and that if He provides the promise we made to give we give. Part of the total amount we pledged at the time was to come from tax returns. We had no idea at the time we made the pledge that Jeff would no longer be working where he was working or that we would have to be paying taxes instead of getting a return. While we have been making our monthly pledge we weren't able to make that 'tax return' pledge because - well - we haven't gotten a tax return. This year we once again began putting away money to pay our taxes and to our incredible amazement we didn't have to pay anywhere near what we put away. The faith promise campaign ends June 1st. We now have the money we need to make good on the promise we made to our church but more importantly to our God. We walked in faith that God would provide. We promised that if He provided we'd follow through. He did and we are!!! What an amazing God our "Jehovah-Jiria" (The Provider) is.