move more eat well: a year of nourishment
i am joining Cathy Zielske's move more eat well online class for a year of nourishing my body through moving more and eating well to better health. I will be documenting my journey and sharing the raw, sometimes ugly, sometimes inspiring, sometimes amazing truth here: my failures and my successes along this journey.
I am going to take care of me on this journey. I am going to swim. I will set goals and meet those goals. Daily goals; Weekly goals; Monthly goals; Yearly goals. I will drop into the pool looking forward to using my muscles, making them burn and in the process get healthier with every stroke. Swimming is good for my body. Because swimming just makes me happy I will swim on this journey.
I am going to walk. And walk. And walk. And maybe in a couple of months run again. And then maybe run a 5K, and a 10K. Grand goals. But oh so doable. I will listen to music. I will listen to teachings. I will listen to my husband share. All while I walk. I will push my sons to walk with me. In the process I will have more endurance and get stronger.
I will add weights to my journey. I will start small, light. I have a home DVD that I can incorporate into my workouts as a beginning. Weights will be necessary to increase muscle mass and help raise a dormant metabolism.
This is something no one else can do for me. I have to do it. I would love some accountability but I can’t count on it.