eklutna lake, alaska (photo by my daughter elizabeth, my budding photographer)
sometimes i enjoy solitude
sometimes i am pleased with my weight loss and other times I’m still very discouraged
sometimes i could really use a hug
sometimes i just want to read, read, read and do nothing else
sometimes i wish i could enjoy reading anything and everything
sometimes (ok a lot of times) i would like to have girlfriends that just want to hang
sometimes i make hot onion dip just for me
sometimes i see something i’d like to make or create and I know I don’t have the abilities to
sometimes in the summer i wish it was winter
sometimes i envision traveling the world
sometimes i am discontent but most of the time i am content
sometimes i go days without being in the Word and I don’t know why because i enjoy it immensely
sometimes i miss my girls and grandkids so much i just cry
sometimes i think about giving away all my scrapbooking supplies and just go all digital and then I think about how much I spent on them