1. my friend margie wears scarves alot. i love them all. they are an accessory that dresses up anything - even crappy jeans. scarves just change the whole look of an outfit. since i made this necklace i've become braver somehow in what i wear. and i have a desire to try (brave) scarves. and this one is gorgeous. soft beauty.
2. these mini albums from becky higgins at project life are wonderful. how many stories i could tell, that would have a permanent home.
3. j.d.robb has never failed to put out one or two novels a year (usually february and september) and i want her latest calculated in death. i am at born in death in the series for the umpteenth time so i should be finished with the rest of them by the time i have the opportunity to purchase her newest in death novel, not in stores until the end of february.
4. midnight project life from liz at paislee press. make me swoon. sure, i'll take the digital collection when it comes out but talk about gorgeous. it is so clean, and simple. and the colors are to die for. pages of project life with midnight along with my seafoam from elise blaha cripe are going to be fantastic. i can't say enough about project life. i've documented 5 weeks of our life with project life with many to go and i'm still loving it.
5. with the advent of my 40 recipes in a bowl challenge i've certainly added an onion soup recipe to the proposed recipe list of possibilities. the problem is i don't have any onion soup bowls. but le crueset has come to the rescue in an assortment of different colors to adorn my kitchen. please, may i have them all - because you know they are just for onion soup.
6. w.e.b. griffin has long been a favorite of hoosier mans. years back now he picked up the first novel in the presidential agent series and i caught him laughing one to many times for me not to be intrigued by the books. after giving me a brief run down of the novel i thought i'd give it a try. i love military novels, special ops has a tender place in my heart...after all i am married to a former spec ops man...so i gave that first novel a try. bam! i was hooked. i even read many more of w.e.b. griffin's older series too. he and his son have the latest in the presidential agent series out and it's on my list to read. covert warriors is that book and i can't wait to read it - after hoosier man, of course!