Hoosier Man and I had a financial planning meeting one evening this past week. Let me say for the record, "I hate financial planning meetings!" When Hoosier Man set the meeting for us he even forwarned me that he'd made 'my-least-favorite-appointments'. I ranted and raved and then we went to the meeting.
I really didn't rant and rave.
It really is my least favorite appointments. Even over mammagrams and pap smears.
You would think that someone with an MBA would not have such adverse reactions to financial planning appointments. I can't explain it.
So I guess you are wondering what all this has to do with the title of this post?
You're wondering aren't you?
When we were waiting to see our financial advisor (and I use the term loosely - not necessarily in a negative way either - but just loosely) I decided I was going to write a book.
There we were sitting in the open waiting area and I picked up this coffee table book. It drew my attention because it was titled God's Masterpieces or something like that. Actually I know it wasn't that I just don't remember the title. I just know that God was given credit for what I would find within the pages of the coffee table book.
I opened the book and was awestruck by the beautiful photos. But, what beheld my attention even more were the Bible verses that accompanied each photo. There were photos of clouds with Bible verses that reflected God's creation of the water or mist in the sky. There were photos of volcanos with molten lava erupting from the top and flowing freely down the mountain. And an accompanying Bible verse that speaks of the same.
I shared with Hoosier Man about all the Bible verses I found within the Word of God that reflect the world of meteorology. As a meteorologist whenever I come across a verse that speaks of God and the weather I always pause, and I am always amazed and awed! This year when I was preparing my high school meteorlogy class I added two Bible verses to each chapter study guide. All the Bible verses had something to do with meteorology: the clouds, tornadoes, the wind, fog (mist), snow, rain, hurricanes, thunder and lightning...it was a way of letting my students know that God is in the middle of the weather; that He is the Creator of weather.
So I said to Hoosier Man right there in the open waiting area, after looking at this coffee table book of pictures and Bible verses that I wanted to write a book too. Make a coffee table book of all my 'gazillion' cloud photos and precipitation and add all those amazing Bible verses and my own reflections.
I really don't have a 'gazillion' cloud photos.
But, I do have a bunch.
It has left me excited for the plan, the process, and taking more and more photos of clouds. And sunsets like the ones above that presented that beautiful sky for me (us) to see God in, see His glory, see His creation. And know He is God.
I began my book just the other day. And when I created that first page I wrote about how my love of meteorology, for the clouds, for the skies - began. I'm telling that story.