1. Scrabble is probably my most favorite game to play, although I love Apples to Apples when we've got my daughter's Ashley and Elizabeth here and my Mom is a hoot to play with too. But, there is nothing like a game of Scrabble by camplight after a campfire meal of grilled hamburgers and sauteed green beans. When we were camping this past weekend we got in that game of Scrabble and logged it in our Family Game Logbook.
2. It is quite miserable having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night when you are camping and it is pouring down rain and the bathrooms are a good 1/8 mile up a slight incline and the water is gushing along, splashing up onto your pajama pants, soaking your feet - and it's cold outside. And it's a cold rain. And having to do this three times in one night.
3. I recently bought a card reader for all the smart cards that our various cameras use and it has been a Godsend. But, I hate the pronged thing-a-ma-doogies inside the reader that want to bend and you can't get the card in because those prong thing-a-ma-doogies have to match up with the holes on the card and they don't when the prong thing-a-ma-doogies are bent. But, I still love my card reader even so.
4. J.D. Robb's newset In Death book is out and I haven't picked it up yet. Such restraint!
5. I found the CD of the computer game Yahtzee the other day when I was going through some files on our desk that I hadn't played in - like - forever. It's back in the computers CD drive, after I cleaned it of it's many fingerprints and guck and it works fine and I play it now and again when I have a spare minute since all we have on our computer that I enjoy playing is Freecell and Solitaire. And, I refuse and I mean REFUSE to pay for games on Yahoo after we were able to play so long for free.
6. About grilled hamburgers. They're amazing by fire, when you're on a camp out. They taste better than when we have grilled hamburgers at home, by fire. It's just because we're on a campout. It makes them extra special and yummy. I'm serious.
7. When I came down off the hills of the High Falls State Park trail I cried. I was so relieved to have made it to the end.
8. I have a drawful of user names and passwords to various websites and other things and I have an idea what I want to do with them all because there is no way that I could possibly commit them all to memory.
9. I can't wait until my daughter and grandsons come for a visit.