even though we still have several more months of this school year...we'll run well into june with a july break before beginning again in august for the beginning of our 10th grade year...i've already been thinking about the curriculum we'll need for the next school year. planning goes into each homeschool year. what classes will be available at our homeschool co-op and which of those will we sign the boys up for? what materials will be needed for those? will we need to supplement or will it suffice for a full credit? then, what will the boys still need at home to fulfill our states requirements to graduate. even though they won't 'officially' get handed a diploma (i'll be looking into signing us up with a homeschool co-op organization that assists with this) we must make sure john and jarrod have the necessary credits to put on a transcript.
last year, prior to their 9th grade year i mapped out a 4-year plan; what our homeschool would look like for each year to accumulate the required credits for transcripts.
For 9th grade this was our proposed list:
Spanish I (completed) (Switched on Schoolhouse)
Algebra I (1/2 way done) (Saxon)
Bible History (World History)
Art Drawing and Design
Spanish II (Switched on Schoolhouse)
Physical Science (Apologia)
Sonlight Curriculum & Selected Readings, Wordly Wise 9, Easy Grammar 9
Bible – The Story (Lucado)
Geography (Part 1) Around the World in 180 Days
we pretty much followed the list except we didn't use Sonlight curriculum. Selected readings for Literature became one book after another with accompanied assignment (study guides, papers, etc.)
at the same time we'd planned out 10th-12th grade as well. this is the 10th grade proposed curriculum and i've already striked-through those i'm planing on changing:
Literature (Sonlight – Core 100), Wordly Wise 10, Easy Grammar 10)
Algebra II / Geometry (Saxon)
US History (Sonlight)
Biology w/ Lab (Apologia)
Bible: Precepts, Covenants; Beth Moore, James; and Beth Moore, Daniel
Institute for Excellence in Writing (US History-based writing lessons – Volume II)
Spanish III (Switched on Schoolhouse)
10th grade already is looking like some curriculum changes going on based on what is going to be offered at our homeschool co-op and what is not. i was hoping our spanish teacher would continue with spanish III but she would only have a couple students and they can't justify the class with only 2 students (yep, my boys) so we are moving on to Latin
Biology w/ LAB (Apologia) (Co-op) the boys have completed two years of using Apologia curriculum for science (human anatomy and physical science) so i'm pretty excited about their biology class
American History (Notgrass) (Co-op) their co-op teacher is super knowledgeable and has an extreme love of history. this high school american history class will be amazing.
Bible (David, Daniel, James, and Paul) (Co-op) the co-op teacher for bible is actually a lady that i've had bible studies with so i know the boys are going to sit under a great teacher for bible. not sure if she'll have a specific curriculum or use beth moore studies or what but i'm excited for this new co-op class
Drawing (Co-op) i've got to let them take their art
Latin (Book I & Book II; and Form Latin) even though the boys have their 'required' foriegn language requirements Latin will be of more service to them than just the language itself but assist them in biology (and other science classes they take), vocabulary, and anything to do with breaking down words.
Algebra II (Saxon)
Literature (Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings)
World Geography (Apologia) Part II
that is just a brief look-see at our proposed curriculum for the 2013-2014 school year. the boys are super excited i pulled the writing class from their curriculum but they will have to write for their literature class and american history class.
another change for us is that we are going to attempt to purchase only one text book for each class (as opposed to two of everything); some of the curriculum it will be necessary to purchase two but some we'll try with one textbook and see how that goes. it may mean i do more reading aloud to them, in particular their history and science assignments. but we'll see. two of everything will take our curriculum bill over 4-digits and i'm not sure we can afford that now that i'm not going to be working after losing my job.
it'll be interesting to see how this coming year actually plans out but i'm thinking we're going to be pretty well set.