Awhile ago we purchased this Eat Smart Precision Plus scale and it has since been my friend. But, quite a few months ago I stopped stepping onto this lovely scale that never hurt anyone. Jeff hasn't abandoned the scale though - just me.
As the end of the year rolls around - and thus, the beginning of a new year, with new, dare I say it, resolutions, or goals, or brave and bold intentions, and I've been thinking about my weight again.
Overall my health has progressively deteriorated. How do I know this? Walking distances is laboring. Working around the house wears me out.
So grudgingly, recently, after my shower one morning, I stepped onto the scale. I know. It's just a number. But, with thoughts of 'getting back into shape' and feeling good again in the forefront of my mind...
I was thrilled to see I hadn't gained any weight. And in fact I had lost a pound from my last weigh in so long ago.
But, it's just a number.
And it has given me the jumpstart and the motivation I need to eat better and walk more and find those opportunities to swim again.
P.S. The number on the scale in the photo above is not my weight - I wish it was though.