Last year Ali Edwards hand wrote a quote each week (52 different quotes) and offered it in a png. and jpg. format for anyone who wanted it. A lovely gift that lasted throughout the whole year. The above quote is her #GiveSunday 47. She's amazing!
8 Ways to Use Digital Washi Tape
An amazing Week in the Life (an entire week documented with photos and words) photo book
Last year Stephanie Bryan over at Studio Calico, each month, created a different Project Life album. November's is just as gorgeous as October's, August's, July's, April's, March's, February's, and January's. A super inspiring adventure.
Good tutorial that I want to remember for recoloring digital journal cards.
On Ali Edwards newest creative design team is Ingunn Markiewicz. I love her scrapbooking style. Her hiking and running trails, and her photos are inspiring!
The Art of Listening is a lost art. No pointing fingers here unless it's back at me. Well, maybe toward some in my household...whom shall remain nameless.
Want to get things done? Stop thinking, stop making lists just to make lists and start doing. This article on Idea-debt procrastination is superb and inspiring. I'm going to go check things off my lists. It doesn't abdicate not making lists or not making decisions. Just follow through!
Thank you's. When and why we should say them.
As I seriously love Downton Abbey this piece on The Best Boyfriends of Downton Abbey is just - the best.
More Downton Abbey because - well - why not?? Kendra from the The Lazy Genius Collective is GENIUS!