I am joining Ali Edwards and hundreds (probably thousands) of others documenting my family's December. For last year's December Daily I only completed 15 stories but realized after listening to Ali's Storytelling with December Daily 2016 class that, while I didn't complete the entire month, nor capture the entire month of stories last year, I did tell 15 individual stories of our month. This approach affords the storyteller - me - freedom. Freedom from discontent. Freedom from self-inflicted bashing. Freedom from unrealized goals. Simply - freedom.
So, this year I'm going to carry on.
I'm going to tell as many stories as I can tell without fear of reprisal - from myself.
And, I'm going to enjoy December and be present within my stories.
First up is my title page. A simple page for this simple girl. Ok, old(er) lady.
My album will be all digitally constructed and once complete I'll upload my pages to Persnickety Prints and have them printed. My title page is pretty simple. I used a Paislee Press 6x8 December You Are My Fave album template/page plus kit. Done, and done.
Behind my title page will be My Reason Why.
Our lives are shaping up differently this Christmas season with many changes in our home. Joan has moved out and into an assisted living home; John and Jarrod have graduated high school and have full time jobs (saving for college) leaving a void that seemingly should be filled. We are having to find a new rhythm. But, finding it is okay - even wonderful.
As we move into these days of Christmas I want my reason why to be one of giving and loving mercy and celebrating the stories in our everyday - no matter how our lives are shaping up, or our new rhythm.
Giving and loving mercy is at the heart of Christmas and should be in our everyday and I hope to make this happen. And, it is those stories I want to capture - and many more.
And, finally, December Daily 2016 - Day 1.
One of my reason why's is a season of giving. Before dropping the boys off at the church for The Journey (John and Jarrod are Roman Centurians), we went through the drive thru at Zaxby's to pick up dinner for the boys before they begin serving. I'd decided ahead of time I would pay for the car behind me. I kept checking my rearview mirror to see if a car would pull up as I made my way to the drive thru window. I was so excited to see a car come around the corner just as I was pulling up to the window. I paid for our dinner and then told the lady I would pay for the car behind me. I have no idea of the impact of my simple act of giving on the lady in the car behind me but the smiles on the drive thru ladies were tendered with excitement and my son John reached around my seat to give me a hug and my other son told me I have a big heart!
And, this first day of December I was/am sick. Battling the flu, on a new medicine protocol that surprisingly worked exceptionally well.
Digital Notes: I love this first page. I used various tags from various designers plus and Ali Edwards overlay. A couple word art pieces and called it good.