I'm struggling hard right now. Sometimes my only recourse, the only thing I have the strength for is worshiping God. Just to keep my head above water. I'm clinging to the words of these songs. It is here I'm finding hope in front of me and strength to wait on the Lord. Worship, prayer, hard core study of the Word, soaking up the Word of God as it is life sustenance right now. It is just a hard, difficult, consuming season and I'm hoping to survive it. I get lost inside of my trials, my hurts, my struggles, and these songs shed light in the darkness.
At roughly 4 minutes a song, that's almost an hour and a half of focused praise and worship. Let it be enough.
When it comes to the hard I sometimes wonder how much I should say. For these pages I covered the surface. I am probably going to document the deep in an insert for my album. As much for me as for truth. Truth because this is life right now. It's hard. It hurts. I'm in pain in my heart. I'm mad.
But, God...
God is good!
And, there is hope in the darkness.