Today I am sharing a few intentions, a few focus-items I am incorporating into my life to make my One Little Word® for 2020 - LEARN - more visible in my life. To tackle those things that have long been on my to-do list but for one reason or another, procrastination, laziness, lack of discipline, fear, I just have not done.
I am paying attention. Ali Edwards' said, "If we are willing to pay attention it's likely we learn new things every single day." I am going to pay attention and see what I learn each month. I'll be re-capping what I've learned at the end of each month. Just another way to make my word visible.
I intend to be disciplined in learning. I so often plan to do but then don't follow through. I want to invest the time and effort into getting those things I've wanted to do, or learn - done.
It will be slow, steady progress. Yet, I hope to see the fruits of what I have learned. Results. I don't have to chase extraordinary moments, simply pay attention to the ordinary. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.
Here are my LEARN-ing intentions for January 2020:
40-Day Sugar Fast (Read the book and through prayer determine my fast)
Begin memorizing the book of James (again!)
Revise and rewrite the Meteorology class for sale
While it seems daunting, it's not. Remember, slow and steady. I have already joined a watercolor class online and purchased what I might need to begin practicing. I want to include a piece into my One Little Word album at the end of the month. Simple as that.
I have joined a local Facebook group for the 40-Day Sugar Fast and have begun reading the book. I am conflicted about Sunday small group desserts. I may, because, hosting and hospitality is so much a part of who I (and we) are that it might be important to fast from the fast for that small group dessert.
I am going to attempt to memorize the book of James - again. Enough said. Otherwise I'll just get frustrated and it's not about the past only what LEARN-ing has for me this year.
My ultimate goal is to create a meteorology class for sale to homeshoolers - and teach it locally. For this I would need to revise the materials for copyright purposes. Before, I wasn't selling materials but I want to be able to market the class for homeshoolers to buy.
That's it. Of course, my reading goals are still in place and I am working on the One Little Word album and scrapbooking album for the new year, too.