Ali Edwards©' One Little Word® class
The dictionary defines learn as:
learn [lərn] verb.
1. gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught;
Commit to memory; become aware of (something by information or from observation
2. the act of acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing existing knowledge, behaviors, skills,
values, or preferences; Synthesizing information.
discover; be informed · gather · pay attention · acquire a knowledge of · gain an understanding of ·
acquire a skill · become competent or proficient in · grasp, master, absorb
For several years now I have chosen a One Little Word® for the year. I have had varied success in making my word visible throughout the year, but I am not letting mediocre results in past years affect this years potential.
I am joining Ali Edwards' One Little Word® classroom, choosing to be intentional about making my word visible this year. I hope to carve out time each month to complete the monthly prompts that Ali provides in the classroom, not only to complete the prompts in writing but creatively. I will be documenting my One Little Word journey throughout the year in a 6 x 8 album. I will create the album using digital and traditional product + my words and thoughts and creative endeavors. This will tell the story of the adventure in 2020 I took with my word LEARN.
In order to set myself up for success I am losing those expectations of fast sprint each month to complete the prompt for - a slow growth, a year long, slow journey, a marathon instead of a sprint - of learning.
Showing up again and again - and LEARN. I will be reminding myself to take slow, deep breaths throughout the month. The journey of LEARN will be imperfect and messy, but worth it! This is not a race or a competition. But, I am going to listen. Write. and do the prompts.
This journey with my One Little Word® is like starting a new relationship. I will be curious about my word. Keep asking myself what I hope to learn. Reassessing, sometimes, daily, what it is I am learning and what I want to learn. And, I am going to show up. I am going to be a part of the One Little Word community via Facebook and in the classroom. I am going to post my monthly prompts in the classroom, on Facebook, and here on the blog. If I want to go big and LEARN big, I have to put in the effort.
Once I complete the January One Little Word® prompt I will share more about my intentions with my word LEARN but today I am leaving with a favorite quote I found regarding learning:
"There is no failure. You either win or learn." - unknown