I am continuing my quest to document life now, and things of the past if the case may be. This page, this story, is in this current season of giving. Honestly, I have God and COVID-19 to thanks for this little pop-up ministry that has been flourishing these past 6 months. It is a ministry of serving. Of giving of my time. Of showing love - through food. This isn't an everyday ministry. Just once - or twice on occasion - a week. I prepare a meal for someone and deliver it to them. It is that simple.
Although, some days it hasn't been that simple. Pain has crept back into my life. Not my right side SI joint but now my left SI joint has become debilitating. I've juggled meal giving around the necessity of swimming. Both, in there own way is for my health. My spiritual health, mental health, emotional health, and physical health. I am sure other 'health's', too. I think I've delivered a meal these past 6 months on everyday of the week except Sunday.
And, goodness gracious, it has been such a blessing - to me.
If for some reason I have to suspend this ministry, permanently or temporarily, I wanted to write about what I've been doing during the COVID-19 quarantine. This is what I've been doing. God has blessed us tremendously and this is such a small way we were able to give back, this season of giving.
The heart that gives, gathers. - Tao Te Ching
The greatest of gifts are from the heart. And, nothing speaks love like bringing food when you are hurting or in need. When you cannot think of anything else let alone what you're going to fix for dinner. When you are quarantined and cannot even go to the grocery store.
I have not 'enjoyed' COVID-19 more than when I have prepared and delivered meals to the lady with cancer and her family, the missionaries on furlough, the family who began fostering, the family who lost a loved one unexpectedly, and...
God has been so generous to me - to us - how could we not pass it on.