Once again I am documenting what I've been reading each month in a 4 x 8 mini album from Citrus Twist Kits - love this size, especially for a start and finish album. It holds 12 months of reading pages beautifully. And, I can create pages inside the page protectors - or like today's pages - outside the page protector.
I read 13 books this month! I remember January of 2021 when I read 20 books but I knew I wouldn't be able to replicate that success, especially since I battled COVID for a couple of weeks. Jeff had COVID, too, but his episode wasn't respiratory in nature like mine, so he was able to read several books while he was home - sick. Probably, the most he's ever read in such a short span of time. I was super excited for him because he likes to read but just doesn't find the time - or he's simply to tired.
For my first pages of the year I created a hybrid page adding a vellum overlay. Then, I decided to highlight my book club books this year. I'll be using library card / card holders for my book club book each month and include a few thoughts about the book we read. We met on January 31 to discuss Apples Never Fall. There were 8 of us last night! It was a lively discussion - and lots to discuss. Apples Never Fall is a great book club read for discussing! Highly recommend.
I included a one line, short thought on each book. I am hoping to include these one-liners on every book on every page I create this year. While I have all of my mini thoughtful reviews (not really reviews on the books but if / why I liked the books) here on the blog and I can easily find them, I'd like to have at least a quick look why I liked a book in my album.
This month I spent much of my reading time re-reading books in Louise Penny's series, Armanda Gamache, of the Quebec Surette police. They are murder mysteries without the suspense. I adore Gamache and the cast of characters within the series. It had been awhile since I had visited Three Pines from the beginning and in fact this is my first re-read all the way through the series thus far. I still have quite a few to go and will visit many of those in February.
Falling and Hostage, both are suspense thrillers - outside my comfort zone, normally, but involved airplane terrorism and both came up on my library holds so I succumbed to the suspense and now I've had enough of airplane passengers being taken hostage and the associated blackmailing and kidnapping to last me for quite some time.
Without further ado - my good reads for January 2022: