Today I am sharing the last day of my 30 Days of Gratitude album for 2020. It's completed. Now, I just have to send off the pages (each day is 2- 4x8 pages) in 8 x 8 to Persnickety Prints and have prints made. Once I get the prints I will simply insert the pages into my album. I am so excited to have finished yet another gratitude album. My other gratitude or thankful albums can be found here: 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 (finished the album but never post to my blog all of the pages) | 52 Gratitudes 2013 (a year long gratitude project) | 52 Gratitudes 2014 | 52 Gratitudes 2015 | and 52 Gratitudes 2017